There are a wide range of realistic, authentically-equipped units to do battle with. You can choose from local VietCong (VC) with french and WWII weapons, through regional and mainforce to recon units with soviet weaponry and heavy weapons squads. NVA units are outfitted and equipped as 1965 or 1968 era, with additional specialist recon and Dac Cong Commandos.
US units range from tank, boat, artillery and air crews, to real front-line units that served in the conflict (equipped for the 65 or 68 period): Infantry and US Marines; as well as elite units: USMC Force Recon (MFR), Long Range Reconaissance Patrol (LRRP), Special Forces (SF), and the Studies and Observations Group (SOG).
Independent units include New Zealand forces, Civilian Irregular Defence Groups (CIDG) and ARVN troops.