Current version: ArmA 3 Unsung 3.3 Golf

Rebuilding vietnam
Welcome to Nam soldier! You’ll soon be stalking Charlie in the thick jungles of Vietnam, your CAR-15 in hand, wondering whether he’s above, below or behind you. Watch out for traps, snipers up in the trees, or spider-holes and tunnels while securing villages to win Hearts and Minds. Fly long range bombing and CAS missions from the Gulf of Tonkin. Target the NVA SAM batteries from afar, or deliver napalm into the treeline to support your hard-pressed comrades.
The Unsung team, working on an authentic Vietnam-era mod pack since OFP brings you realistic jungle fighting, hand-to-hand combat and fully 3-dimensional warfare in this immersive mod pack for Arma 3.
News Room
As well as updates to our quality terrains Khe Sanh, Da Krong and Doung Unsung Fox brings two new WIP terrains - Song Bin Tanh and A Shau Valley. We have also added over 50 new buildings and improved many of the original ones with interior lighting, animated fans, doors and improved ladders and textures.
An unseen change that should boost FPS - we have optimised over 1,000 older models, fixing legacy issues and bringing down section count, closing shadows, making geometry convex, adding new roadway and fire geometries - many subtle changes that will give players and servers a general FPS boost, and a more satisfying experience.
In response to requests from our friends overseas, two new factions have been added - Republic of Korea and Australian SAS units. We have also improved and expanded the ARVN and USMC vehicle and aircraft fleet.
To supplement our existing TFAR compatibility, ACRE2 radio support is now completed for all vehicles, and many aircraft are now working with the Support Radio menu.
Primary combat aircraft have been extensively re-textured including the F-4, F-100, A-1, A-4, A-6 and A-7 - you can check them out in the Virtual Garage. Dynamic load-outs, upgraded sensors, ejection system, damage model, flight model and cockpits have now been added to all combat aircraft, along with full aircraft carrier compatibility.
New in the Fox update are the OV-10 Bronco, ZPU-2 Anti Aircraft gun, 4 new M-35 support trucks, a new Lee Enfield rifle and Uzi, as well as hundreds of small fixes and improvements.
Unsung Fox is up and running on the 10 official Gaming Deluxe Unsung servers, and we have added improved compatibility with survival game modes like Exile and Epoch! You can play Unsung Exile on a number of servers now, including TheDevilDogGamer's Spearhead server
If you love our mod as much as we do, please consider supporting us on Patreon
ECHO release
Unsung Echo brings you over 50 upgraded and improved weapon models, rifle grenades, optics, attachments and animations.
To turn your patrol into mincemeat, there are new spider-holes, sniper trees, tripwires, mines, IEDs and punji (spike) traps.
Included in the Echo update are 3 new truck types, 4 new aircraft, improved physx in all vehicles, and the fearsome Mig21 Fishbed as well as hundreds of fixes and improvements to this awesome mod series.
We have also finished two islands (Doung and Da Krong) which now work without Apex, as well as expanding the playable area on Khe Sanh. Unsung Echo is up and running on the official Gaming Deluxe Unsung servers!
Update your files and come to play with the developers (filter for Unsung).
DELTA release
Unsung Delta brings you a whole crate of new high quality weapon models, rifle grenades, optics and attachments.
Included in the Delta update are 10 new tanks, 5 new APC’s and the mighty F4 Phantom as well as literally hundreds of fixes and improvements to this awesome mod series.
We also included seven older Islands which work without Apex, and two new Apex islands, bringing the total to four.
Unsung Delta is up and running on the official Unsung servers! Update your files and come to play with the developers (filter for elite-warriors or unsung).
CHARLIE release
Unsung Charlie is up and running on the official Unsung servers! Update your files and come to play with the developers.
bravo release
Unsung Bravo has finally been released to the public! We are hosting 2x Unsung servers without passwords.
Please ensure you have the Mod and the Hotfix to play.
alpha shots
This section is reserved for images and news articles pertaining to development updates to the modification, new assets to be added in future releases and bugfixes that are being monitored.
unsung clans
Community groups and clans that have registered with the Unsung team. The clans have at least one server running 24/7 that provide an open game play environment. You can find a full list of Unsung clans in our forums here by clicking the button below. Click on one of the clan logo's above to visit their pages.
Current version: ArmA 3 Unsung 3.3 Golf
About Us
The Unsung Modding Team
The Team Leader

Project Manager
All Core Development Team Members



Sgt Savage
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All 3D Design Team Members

3D Designer

3D Designer

Von Knudenberg
3D Designer
UNSung pr team
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Sgt Savage
PR Manager

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3D Designer

3D Designer

3D Designer

3D Designer

3D Designer
3D Supporters

3D Designer

3D Designer

3D Designer
Terrain Supporters

Terrain Developer

Terrain Developer
special thanks to
Everyone who deserves a special mention for their contributions


Project Delta

ArmA3 Game Creators